Senin, 28 Desember 2015

4 Benefits of Coconut Water For Head skin and hair

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Generally, people only use the coconuts as a refreshing drink while the weather is hot. Coconut water is one energy drink can be consumed and healthy body weight.
In addition to the important benefits of coconut water for health there are still many other benefits of coconut to the scalp and hair. Coconut water can also be used as a good conditioner for hair.
 Here are some of the benefits of coconut water to the scalp and hair:

1.      Creating a more radiant hair
The content of Vitamin B contained in coconut water content can repair damaged skin tissue and hair were worn. By consuming coconut water regularly can meet the nutrition hair and scalp.

2.      Natural Moisturizing Hair
The content in coconut water can make your hair more moist and not dry easily. By using it as a conditioner after you shower.

3.      Reduce dandruff
The content in coconut water is good for reducing dandruff is by using coconut milk and lime juice that has been allowed to stand overnight. Then the next morning rub into skin dandruff by using cotton.

4.      Reduce hair loss
Hair loss is usually caused by dandruff which makes hair become brittle and fall out. By using the above method you can definitely do it at home.

Combine lemon juice or honey will add freshness and usefulness better for your health.

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